Wednesday 16 February 2011

Preliminary Task

A preliminary task was what we had to do  a group so we could get use to the using the equipment such as the camera and tri-pod, we had get the following shots, a reaction shot, shot reverse shot and a tracking shot that was so that we could get use to having a steady hand when using the camera. I found this task useful because it helped me to gain confidence when using the camera because in my group I was the Camera and Sound person so this task really helped me. When filming I found out that tracking shots do not work well if you are not using the tri-pod it looks unprofessional, so when it came to filming when we used the tracking shot with a tri-pod so it looked professional and did not look  unsteady. When I looked back at my tracking shot used during the opening sequence it worked really well and looks professional and our group received compliments on some of our camera shots 

Reaction Shot– of the character  when he sees that his girlfriend is with another women, this shows the characters facial expression 

Mid Shot – this is a mid shot of the character, this shows what the character is wearing and also this helps the audience to relate to the character depending on his situation

Two shot – this shows two character’s in the frame and this shows that the characters are ready to interact with the audience and also prepares for the scene

1 comment:

  1. Well done Lyden you have discussed the purpose of the preliminary task and what it taught you. You have also discussed ways in which the task help you correct shots within your final production well done.
