Sunday 27 February 2011

Opening Credits - Group Analyse

My group and I decided that it would be in the best interest if we looked at some opening credits from existing thriller films so that we could get some ideas from our opening credits and furthermore we could look at the order of the roles of the team and from this we could get an idea of what order our group roles can be in. We looked at the film 'Panic Room' to see how it opens the film and how it indicates the genre and how they are important in the film, when watched a number of thriller films we came across the film Panic Room we liked this one because it started like a thriller and the music was appealing.

Most of the beginning is little clips of establishing shots to show the setting of where the film will be and it represents what kind of people the characters will be. 
The credits in this film are all moving in different angles by the camera doing pan shots. This is an interesting and different way to show the credits which makes it more fascinating compared to credits that don't move as it makes it more accessible for the audience to read as it moves along the page. This give a clear indication to the audience of what is of what actors are in the film and also what directors are in the film.

The colour of the font is simple but shows up well against the backgrounds as the 3D effect on the writing makes it easier to see. The style of writing is modern which fits with the modern buildings therefore the writing relates to the style of the film being set in a modern surrounding. Also the writing is bold and capital letters which indicates the style of the film possibly having a strong storyline with serious events as the writing theme is strong and that this may be based on true events to show the realism and have a bigger impact on the audience 

1 comment:

  1. You have given a sufficient account of the opening sequence from Panic Room and stated what you and you group liked about it however you have not made reference to you own production and how this research may influence your own production.
