Sunday 27 February 2011

Production Roles & Week By Week Meeting

Michael was director of our thriller so therefore he organised the group well and made sure that everybody was pulling their weight and making sure they come to meetings and we work hard to achieve the best possible grade.

Karina was in charge of the Hair and make-up, she done well with the single women who is made to look sophisticated but slutty. Karina made sure that the character was portrayed well because we received comments from our class mates which thought the makeup was done well.

Cansu was in charge of the location and lighting and she had to make sure the where ever we was filming we used the correct lighting or makes sure that it was the appropriate time of day to film. Furthermore she made sure that we had filming permission from certain places so we could be allowed to film there

My role was Camera and sound and to make sure that the camera shots were accurate and precise to the director’s storyboard and also to makes sure that the sound track for the thriller film was the way we wanted it to be and to make sure that the film created suspense to the audience. Furthermore as the camera and sound people, I was responsible for the camera and the tri-pod which meant I had to take it home and look after it. I was also in charge of making sure that the cinematography was accurate and that the director was happy with the shots that we had.  Also I had to make the sound track to make sure the footage we had matched the sound track I was going to create, as a group we decided that Michael, Karina and I would work on the sound track when we had some free time and would stay after school to create the sound track

1 comment:

  1. Lyden you have described the roles of your group and yourself which is good. You have outlined your role well and have shown that you understand the responsibility of your role. I now suggest you add more visual images to support your role, add in visual shot you are hoping to use such as close up's. Also discuss how you put together your soundtrack.
