Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Opening Sequence

Objective: to be able to identify the generic conventions of an opening sequence within a film in particular a thriller film.
All: will be able to describe the generic conventions of an opening sequence. (E)
Most: will be able to analyse an opening sequence from a film explaining its purpose referring back to the generic conventions used. (C)
Some: will be able to create their own appropriate opening sequence for a thriller film. (A)
What are the generic conventions of a thriller film?
List your points

·         Title sequence
·         Opening credits
·         Characters
·         Locations
·         Sound track
·         Establishing shots
·         Lighting
·         Title
·         Narrative
Task 1: Sex and the City.

: the opening sequence was long because for people who have not watched the sitcom/drama they now know a little about the characters and they’re backgrounds. From this the audience now feel involved in the film.

The characters: there are 4 characters but one main character who explains her and her other 3 friend’s background so the audience knows about them this also sets the narrative. This makes the audience up to date on the film for those who have not watched the series.

The narrative
The location: the location is New York City because that’s where the girls met and over the years they have come and gone from New York City, but now they meet up again for the film.
The Sound The sound being played is very soft, because there is a narrative being spoken over.  However the song being played is very up beat and happy this is because it goes with the narrative because when she is explaining her life everything she says is happy. This goes well together because she is a middle ages woman living a glamorous life and this relates to the audience because middle ages women, also want to have this glamorous life.

Lighting – The lighting used in Sex in the City is all high key lighting to show the life she lives, which is very girly and glamorous this is to show the life she lives and now that she is moving back to New York and the New York life is  all glamorous  


the narrative
: the opening sequence was a girl talking about how she did not think she was going to die for someone she loves which is the narration. Although the audience see a dear being chased from a point of view which makes the audience confused because they wonder why they are seeing this.

The characters: there is a main character a girl who is doing a narration a bit about herself moving to somewhere else while her mum goes on the road with her boyfriend and she moves to live with her dad.

The location: she is moving to a town called Forks with her dad.

Task 2- film of my choice:

The narrative:  the opening sequence was a detective getting ready for work and he goes to the crime scene to see someone who has been decapitated. Then another detective who has been transferred to this location to work with Morgan freeman

The characters: Morgan freeman and Brad Pitt are two detectives on a case to find the serial killer who has killed seven people who have committed in his eyes seven deadly sins.  It’s a race against time to stop the killer from killing another victim.

The location: at the beginning the location is set in Morgan Freemans house, and then there is a jump cut to the crime scene. After when brad Pitt enters its set outside in the rain.

1 comment:

  1. Lyden you need to elaborate on this post, you have showen minimal understanding of what the purpose of an opening sequence and what the opening sequence portrays to the audience watching the film, in this case a thriller film.
