Objective: To be able to show an understanding of what narrative theory is and knows the difference between Propps theory and Todrov’s theory
Lesson Outcomes:
All: will be able to describe the different points of the theory (E)
Most: will be able to explain the different theories with appropriate examples (C)
Some: will be able to use media language effectively to discuss the purpose of narrative theory with a variety of examples (A)
Tzvetan Todorov’s: simplified the idea of narrative theory whilst also allowing a more complex interpretation of film texts with his theory of Equilibrium and Disequilibrium.
There are five stages the narrative can progress through
§ A state of equilibrium (all is as it should be)
§ A disruption of that order by an event
§ A recognition that the disorder has occurred
§ An attempt to repair the damage of the disruption
§ A return or restoration of a NEW equilibrium
- Headings that are used by some producers and screenwriters include:
- Inciting Incident
- Dramatic Question
- Character Goal
- Antagonist/Protagonist
- Stakes
- Resolution
- Sympathy/Empathy
These headings are very close to those suggested by the father of narrative theory, Aristotle
Aristotle's literary criticism is probably most famous for the "unities": time, place, and action. Aristotle's most complete analysis is of 'tragedy', which is arguably the basis of most 'serious drama'.
You have showen an understading of Todoro's theory however you must expand on your points in order to demonstrate a deeper level of the theory, be sure to referance as and where possiable within your own production.