Wednesday 5 January 2011

Pre Production - Film Title - Group Idea

Narrative - A mystery man is walking down a pathway with a red sports bag. While he is walking down the road he has a flashback from the nights before. Then the audience sees what happens. He meets a girl , at the bar and they get drinking, talking and start flirting. He takes her back to a hotel she thinks it is only a fling but a change of events happen he brutally murders her he then chops her up into small pieces and puts her in the red sports bag and dumps the bag by the river. A missing enquiry for her disappearance takes off.
The Whole Narrative - The overall narrative is that this a married man with a perfect  lifestyle who lives is happy with his carer and children, yet has a sick obsession with women he thinks are dirty, he final snaps and murders a woman, the whole event take place on the. His flashbacks show the build up of his family life up to the point of murder. Giving him a spilt life which is why the film is called 2Faced
Film Title - The reason we have chosen our film to be called 2Faced, was because we felt this was an appropriate title for our narrative. This helps us to follow the generic conventions because as the audience you expect the film title to match the film.  The title gives a sense of suspense of what actually happens on the 2Faced, there is no direct give away unlike most thriller titles like ‘ The kidnap’.
Locations - The locations used will be the following;
1.    Bar

This hotel would have been ideal for our location but, our group came a few problems so we was unable to film at this location so we decided to film at an apartment that someone from our group could lend us, and that was our new location.

2.    Apartment

This is the location that we chose which looked similar to the one we filmed in which we thought we could still pull off because it still matched the storyline towards the end where the female character gets murdered in a apartment

3.    Pathway

The reason we have chose these locations is because they follow our storyline and also they are conventional. These will be appealing to our audience because they will be under the generic conventions of a thriller film such as when the male character kills the female character in the apartment and then their is a close up of the females character

1.    Costumes- smart suit, conservative business man

 This makes the male character looks more sophisticated and more attractive to the female character and helps to convey to the audience so that people can relate to him in a way that sometimes people just want to forget their everyday problems

2.    Props- bag, fake blood, wedding ring.


This was a important part of the film because this props was to be worn by the male character to show that he is married and that he still goes out and sees women's at bars and pretends to be single. Without this ring we would not be able to relate this to our film title or the narrative of the film

3.    Camera work- extreme close up

  This a picture of woman scared, from a close up view. This is what the female  character in the will also have this emotion when the Male character turn violent on her. This is also to show the reaction of what is happening in the scene this also makes it look much more realistic

4.    Lighting- low key, dark atmosphere
5.    Sound – eerie sounds, upbeat music for the chase.

6.    These are all the things we need to consider when making our film, to make it as realistic as we can to our audience and follow the generic conventions of the film.
Lighting - The lighting that will be used is
·         Low key
·         Natural lighting
·         High key
This is because most thriller films use these for example low key lighting is used to make the character look scarier and mysterious to the audience this is to make the audience for more involved in the film and make them one to watch more.
Natural lighting is used to make things look more realistic such as when our character is walking down the street natural lighting will be used to create realism to the audience
High key lighting will most likely be used in the bar to show that place is glamorous and expensive this makes it more realistic and more appealing to the audience and makes them believe that the place is real
Sound - The sound that will be used in the film is:
·         On screen sound
·         Off screen sound
·         Non-diegetic.
Non-diegetic will be used for any music that is edited in which will most likely to be used to build up suspense and tension for the audience. This also helps keep the audience interested
On screen sound will be for anyone that speaks or has a conversation such as a phone call or anyone who speaks face to face
Off screen sound will be used in the bar, such as when you can hear people laughing and talking in the background this will be used to create a realistic environment within in the bar


  1. Lyden what you have posted should be placed under the title pre production. Please change your title,you should also try and add visuals where possible.

  2. Lyden this a such an improvement on your first post. Your use of visuals help to support your explanation and bring your ideas to life.I really like the youtube sound clip you uploaded. You need to make more reference to the clip and state what types of sounds you liked within the clip and those you will try to emulate within your own production.
