Thursday 7 October 2010

Advanced Editing

Objective: To be able to show an understanding of how editing and to create a meaning
Straight Cut – When one shot moves into another shot in an edit and it does not confuse the audience
Fade to Black – When one shot goes into another and there is a black filter in between
Wipe Cut – When shot slides into another
Dissolve – When one shot disintegrates into another
Reaction Shot – Any shot (often used as a cutaway) in which a subject reacts to a previous shot
Invisible Editing – most films are now edited in this way makes things fluent it supports rather than dominates the narrative the plots characters are focus. The techniques give the impression that the edits are motivated by the events in the reality screen
Montage – Is the speed of editing where shots are quickly juxtaposed together to create excitement
Slow Editing – Is when clips are juxtaposed together at a slower paste and this is to create suspense
180 Rule – image a hypothetical line drawn between two or more actors, the camera must shoot on the side of the line and this is because it can confuse audience and also the shooting will not be consistent
Shot Reverse Shot – This is mostly used in films where a conversation is taking place and it is when one quickly follows another shot
Jump Cut A drastic camera movement that is noticeable to the eye
Linking of section – Is where one section of a film is linked to another scene which has significance
Linking Shots – Is where a number of shots are linked together to add emotional impact
Timing shots – In editing stage some shots are either slower or quicker to add emotional impact or to create suspense
Kuleshov Effect – Is where two shot equals create meaning
Graphic Match – Is when one from one shot of the next for example a women screaming
Editing of Physco
At the beginning of Physco the speed of editing is slow from when she is writing on a letter until she jumps in the shower, then the speed of editing quickens when she is being attacked.
The faster paste of action when she is being killed fast editing because it is getting faster and faster also the music also changes to make to add tension to the killing.
Adulthood Analyse

Wipe cut
There is a wipe cut when they show a car
This is because they want to show the audience the someone new is entering the scene also this does not confuse the audience because it clashes with the scene
Shot reverse shot
When the two men are talking and Sam is talking to a drug dealer
This is to show that there is a conversation taking place between two people. This also does not confuse the audience when they are talking
Straight cut
When  the drug dealer leads Sam in the room
This is to show and not confuse the audience from they go scene to scene
Jump cut
When Sam enters the room he looks straight at the clock for some reason and the time is 8:45
This does confuse the audience because we want to know why the camera is focusing on clock and maybe thinks someone is coming or something bad is going to happen because he looks worried
Reaction shot
There is camera shot when the focus on Sam to see his reaction
This is because they want us to see as an audience how Sam will react to the question he is being asked.

Slumdog Millionaire Analyse

Fast editing
When the bus drives past and all the men come running across the road
This is to emphasise the men running and make it look like they are running really fast and makes the audience feel involved with in the film
Wipe cut
There is a wipe cut of when the boy has a flash back
This is for the audience so it gives them an idea of what his life was like when he was growing up and also it gives the audience a idea of what his child hood was like when he was younger
Linking of section
When the boy has a flash back
This is relevant because it is linking the two scenes together and also it does not confuse the audience because we have a wipe cut which helps us understand what is going on in the film
Reaction shot
There is a reaction shot if when his mum dies
This is to show the emotion and shock of the little boy when he sees his mum die there is a lot of tensions because you want to see how he is going to react

From my own research I found a editing clip on youtube which contains all types of film editing techniques.

1 comment:

  1. Lyden you have identified the editing techniques in the extracts and show that you have a good understanding of some of the effects they can create. You have also explained how the editing can convey meaning to the audience.
    Aim: Ensure that your analysis is of the editing techniques and not an explanation of the action in the scene. Also consider why the Director has chosen this edit by considering if the edit reflects a style the Director is trying to achieve or a meaning being conveyed.
    You must ensure all of your spelling is correct as your explanation can be confusing and your spelling of titles of films and media terminology must be accurate to show that you have in-depth understanding.
